Zorbing Downhill in Barcelona, Spain

“When we are in Barcelona do you want to stuff ourselves inside of an extremely large plastic ball and roll down a fairly steep hill?” I rather innocently inquired about zorbing. Typically, I wouldn’t have even asked Peter beforehand, I would simply serve him liquor prior and surprise him with the unique, and sometimes dangerous, adventure I had planned.

But, a zorbing excursion seemed too perilous for a sneak attack. And doing shots of alcohol prior may have a very negative affect.

“Okay”. He nonchalantly replied. That was easy, looks like we are going zorbing.

What is Zorbing

Zorbing is a sport where you roll downhill inside an inflatable orb, typically made of clear plastic.


Zorbing in barcelona, spain

On a cool morning we headed to Parc del Forum in Barcelona, at the coastal end of Avenida Diagonal. This is where Spheremania is located, one of the few zorbing companies in the world.

It’s a bit tricky to find, you must follow the path uphill, past the large glass building with white diamond stripes. A good indication that you have arrived is seeing the large plastic ball at the top of a significant elevation.

Note: This will not happen when you experience a cancelation due to gusty winds.

The first scheduled day was canceled due to the blowy weather. There was water too close by and even though I’m sure the zorb is buoyant, I was grateful for the concern of our safety.

We came back the next afternoon, when it was virtually windless and we spotted the half inflated ball (or half deflated ball, depending on how you look at it). Phew. This was actually going to happen. 

The cordial and engaging owners, Davide and Anna, hoisted the zorb up the ramp. It looked painstaking to me, then again, there is no definition in my biceps.

I pondered asking to touch their arm muscles, but figured that would be inappropriate. Right?

Zorbing in Spain

This zorb was a dual adventure, meaning two of us rolled together, strapped securely (I checked) into the orb.

See…don’t we look confident and smiley prior to rolling down a mountain near very deep water? That’s all for show. 

Once we were solidly fastened into our locations, the rope was let loose and we started to tumble rapidly down the hill, feeling every bump, especially when our bodies thumped on the ground.

The 45 second experience was terrifying, thrilling and adventurous. All qualities I look for in a good time. If there was a glass of vino and a sampler pintxos plate waiting for me at the end this day would be complete.

Annette Bucket List Journey Zorbing

After I exited the zorb, slightly dazed, I turned around to take a look at where I had been.

It appeared close and at the same time felt so far.

In the end, Peter and I earned our zorbing certificate as proof of our extreme bravery. Or sheer madness, whichever you prefer.

Have you been zorbing before? Would you ever go?

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28 thoughts on “Zorbing Downhill in Barcelona, Spain”

  1. I went zorbing in Pigeon Forge, TN, which I think was the first zorbing location in the U.S. Ours was *slightly* filled with water and we were not strapped in so it was…interesting, but really fun!

    • I have heard about the water ones. I’d probably ending up smacking myself in the face with my arm ;)

  2. I've looked into zorbing here in the States.  Like Stef said, I think the closest place to me for zorbing is in Pigeon Forge.  It looks like a blast, although I'd probably end up getting smacked in the face with my own vomit.  

  3. I have been wanting to do this! And since apparently I can do it right here in Tennessee, I don't have any excuses :)

  4. I always wanted to zorb & finally got my chance when we went to New Zealand last year….. & I almost had a panic attack!  They put water in the ball & zip you up in it.  It's so humid, I couldn't breathe & I couldn't see anything!  Still happy I did it though!

    • Ha, ha! I just watched as my niece rolled down a grassy hill, so I will have to let her know that she has been zorbing, sans the orb, too :)

  5. I had no idea they had a location in Barcelona now!

    I went in 2006 30-60 minutes outside of Brisbane. Last I checked that location was no longer open! I’d do it again in a heartbeat.

    • I was happy to hear that there was one in Barcelona, because I know they are rare. So, I just couldn’t pass up the opportunity!

  6. I went in Rotorua, New Zealand, in the water kind with two other people. Instead of smacking myself in the arm I just kept smacking into the other people… still fun though! I'd like to try the strapped-in variety.

  7. I have a kids zorb that we use when we go to parks with hills. Even tho its too small for me, I still love it! I never have tried it harnessed so you just roll all over inside. Its fun!!!!!

  8. I had a 24 layover in Dubai and went zorbing in the indoor ski slope inside the Mall of the Emirates. Checked off a lot of bucket list experiences during that trip:)


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