Have you ever wondered how to say thank you in different languages? Well, my passion for travel has taken me to some of the most ultimate travel destinations, and along the way I’ve learned that expressing gratitude is a universal language that connects us all. So, why not learn how to say thank you around the world. from “Danke” to “Gracias” to “Salamat” let’s dive deep into these two little words that mean so much.

Learn to Say Thank You in Other Languages for Your Travels
Country | Pronounciation |
Afghanistan | Tashakor (ta-sha-kor) ▶️ |
Albania | Faleminderit (fa-le-min-de-ɾit) ▶️ |
Algeria | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Andorra | Gràcies (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Angola | Obrigado (oh-bree-gah-doh) ▶️ |
Antigua and Barbuda | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Argentina | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Armenia | Shnorhakalutyun (Shno-rha-ka-lu-tyun) ▶️ |
Australia | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Austria | Danke (dahn-kah) ▶️ |
Azerbaijan | Təşəkkür edirəm (teh-sheh-kur-eh-deh-rim) ▶️ |
Bahamas | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Bahrain | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Bangladesh | Dhan’yabāda (Dhan-ya-bā-da) ▶️ |
Barbados | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Belarus | Dziakuj (ja-kuj) ▶️ |
Belgium | Dank u (Dutch) / Merci (French) (Dank-you) ▶️ |
Belize | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Benin | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Bhutan | Thuji Che (too-ji-che) ▶️ |
Bolivia | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Hvala (Huh-vah-luh) ▶️ |
Botswana | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Brazil | Obrigado (oh-bree-gah-doh) ▶️ |
Brunei Darussalam | Terima kasih (t’ree-ma kas-she) ▶️ |
Bulgaria | Blagodarya (Boh-gull-dah-ree-ah) ▶️ |
Burkina Faso | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Burundi | Murakoze (moo-ra-ko-ze) ▶️ |
Cambodia | Aurkun (o-ru-kun) ▶️ |
Cameroon | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Canada | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Cape Verde/Cabo Verde | Obrigado (oh-bree-gah-doh) ▶️ |
Central African Republic | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Chad | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Chile | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
China | Xièxiè (syeh-syeh) ▶️ |
Colombia | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Comoros | Shukrani (shoe-krahni) ▶️ |
Congo, Republic of (Brazzaville) | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Costa Rica | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Côte D’ivoire (Ivory Coast) | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Croatia | Hvala (Huh-vah-luh) ▶️ |
Cuba | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Cyprus | Efcharistó (ef-har-rih-stowe) ▶️ |
Czech Republic | Děkuji (deh-ku-yih) ▶️ |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Denmark | Tak (informal) (tahk) ▶️ |
Djibouti | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Dominica | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Dominican Republic | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
East Timor (Timor-Leste) | Obrigadu (Tetum) (oh-bree-gah-doh) ▶️ |
Ecuador | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Egypt | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
El Salvador | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Equatorial Guinea | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Eritrea | Amaseganalo (Ah-ma-seh-gah-nah-lo) ▶️ |
Estonia | Aitäh (Ah-ee-tah) ▶️ |
Ethiopia | Amesegenalehu (Ah-me-seh-gih-nah-leh-hu) ▶️ |
Fiji | Vinaka (vee-na-ka) ▶️ |
Finland | Kiitos (kee-toas) ▶️ |
France | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Gabon | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Georgia | Madloba (mad-lo-ba) ▶️ |
Germany | Danke (dahn-kah) ▶️ |
Ghana | Medaase (Me-daa-say) ▶️ |
Greece | Efcharistó (ef-har-rih-stowe) ▶️ |
Grenada | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Guatemala | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Guinea | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Guinea-Bissau | Obrigado (oh-bree-gah-doh) ▶️ |
Guyana | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Haiti | Mèsi (Me-si) ▶️ |
Holy See | Grazzi (gra-see) ▶️ |
Honduras | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Hungary | Köszönöm (Kuh-suh-nem) ▶️ |
Iceland | Takk (tahk) ▶️ |
India | Dhanyavaad (Den-yee-vahd) ▶️ |
Indonesia | Terima kasih (t’ree-ma kas-she) ▶️ |
Iran | mam’noon (mam-noon) ▶️ |
Iraq | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Ireland | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Israel | Toda (toh-dah) ▶️ |
Italy | Grazie (Gratz-eh) ▶️ |
Jamaica | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Japan | Arigatou/Arigatou gozaimasu (ahree-gah-to/) |
Jordan | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Kazakhstan | Rakhmet (Rak-mat) ▶️ |
Kenya | Asante (ah-sahn-te) ▶️ |
Kiribati | Ko rabwa (ko-rab-wa) ▶️ |
Korea, Democratic People’s Rep. (North Korea) | Gamsahamnida/Kamsahamnida (kahm-sa-ham-nee-da) ▶️ |
Korea, Republic of (South Korea) | Gamsahamnida/Kamsahamnida (kahm-sah-ham-nee-da) ▶️ |
Kuwait | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Kyrgyzstan | Rakhmat (Rak-mat) ▶️ |
Lao, People’s Democratic Republic | Khob chai (Khop-Jai) ▶️ |
Latvia | Paldies (Pahl-dee-es) ▶️ |
Lebanon | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Lesotho | Kea u leboha (ke-a-leboga) ▶️ |
Liberia | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Libya | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Liechtenstein | Danke (dahn-kah) ▶️ |
Lithuania | Ačiū (ah-chew) ▶️ |
Luxembourg | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Madagascar | Misaotra (mi-sot-tra) ▶️ |
Malawi | Zikomo (zi-ko-mo) ▶️ |
Malaysia | Terima kasih (t’ree-ma kas-she) ▶️ |
Maldives | Shukuriyya (shoo-kree-a) ▶️ |
Mali | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Malta | Grazzi (gra-see) ▶️ |
Marshall Islands | Yokwe (Yak-way) ▶️ |
Mauritania | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Mauritius | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Mexico | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Micronesia, Federal States of | Kulo (ku-lo) ▶️ |
Moldova, Republic of | Mulțumesc (Mool-tsoo-mesk) ▶️ |
Monaco | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Mongolia | Bayarlalaa (ba-yar-la-la) ▶️ |
Montenegro | Hvala (Huh-vah-luh) ▶️ |
Morocco | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Mozambique | Obrigado (oh-bree-gah-doh) ▶️ |
Myanmar, Burma | Kyay zu tin ba de (kyay-zu-tin-ba-deh) ▶️ |
Namibia | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Nauru | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Nepal | Dhanyavaad (Den-yee-vahd) ▶️ |
Netherlands | Dank je (informal) / Dank u (formal) (Dahnk-hye) ▶️ |
New Zealand | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Nicaragua | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Niger | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Nigeria | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
North Macedonia | Blagodaram (blah-go-dah-rahm) ▶️ |
Norway | Takk (tahk) ▶️ |
Oman | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Pakistan | Shukriya (shoo-kree-a) ▶️ |
Palau | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Panama | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Papua New Guinea | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Paraguay | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Peru | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Philippines | Salamat (sah-lah-maht) ▶️ |
Poland | Dziękuję (dsyen-koo-yeh) ▶️ |
Portugal | Obrigado (oh-bree-gah-doh) ▶️ |
Qatar | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Romania | Mulțumesc (Mool-tsoo-mesk) ▶️ |
Russian Federation | Spasibo (spah-see-boh) ▶️ |
Rwanda | Murakoze (Moo-ra-ko-ze) ▶️ |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Saint Lucia | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Samoa | Fa’afetai (FAA-fa-ta-a-ay) ▶️ |
San Marino | Grazie (Gratz-eh) ▶️ |
Sao Tome and Principe | Obrigado (oh-bree-gah-doh) ▶️ |
Saudi Arabia | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Senegal | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Serbia | Hvala (Huh-vah-luh) ▶️ |
Seychelles | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Sierra Leone | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Singapore | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Slovakia (Slovak Republic) | Ďakujem (ja-qwee-em) ▶️ |
Slovenia | Hvala (Huh-vah-luh) ▶️ |
Solomon Islands | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Somalia | Mahadsanid (Ma-had-sah-need) ▶️ |
South Africa | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
South Sudan | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Spain | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Sri Lanka | Bohoma Sthuthi (Bo-hoh-mah Iss-thoo-thee) ▶️ |
St. Vincent & Grenadines | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
State of Palestine | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Sudan | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Suriname | Dank je wel (Dahnk-hye-vel) ▶️ |
Swaziland (Eswatini) | Ngiyabonga (ngiyabon-ga) ▶️ |
Sweden | Tack (tahk) ▶️ |
Switzerland | Danke (dahn-kah) ▶️ |
Syria, Syrian Arab Republic | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Tajikistan | Rahmat (Ra-mat) ▶️ |
Tanzania | Asante (ah-sahn-te) ▶️ |
Thailand | Khop khun (kowpkoom) ▶️ |
The Gambia | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Togo | Merci (mehr-see) ▶️ |
Tonga | Malo (Ma-lo) ▶️ |
Trinidad and Tobago | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Tunisia | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Turkey | Təşəkkür edirəm (teh-sheh-kur-eh-deh-rim) ▶️ |
Turkmenistan | Sag bolun (Sag-bo-loon) ▶️ |
Tuvalu | Fakafetai (Fah-keh-feh-tay) ▶️ |
Uganda | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Ukraine | Dyakuyu (Dya-koo-ee-you) ▶️ |
United Arab Emirates | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
United Kingdom | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
United States | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Uruguay | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Uzbekistan | Rahmat (Ra-mat) ▶️ |
Vanuatu | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Venezuela | Gracias (gra-see-us) ▶️ |
Vietnam | Cảm ơn (Cahm-uhn) ▶️ |
Yemen | Shukran (shoe-krahn) ▶️ |
Zambia | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
Zimbabwe | Thank you (thangk-yoo) ▶️ |
plus, Here’s a personal thank you to some of my favorite destinations:
Asante Tanzania for being my first introduction to Africa. You allowed me to find a type of camping I’d actually do again when I went glamping while on safari in Serengeti, you confirmed that happiness is a state of mind while visiting the Kibowa orphanage in Arusha and you taught me that my hands are handy eating utensils while dining on traditional Ugali.

“Kob Kun” to Thailand
“Kob Kun” Thailand for teaching me that elephants deserve gentle love and bathes daily at an elephant rescue center and that century eggs don’t taste quite as bad as their ammonia smell, but crunchy insects are not at all appetizing. You also got me over my massage fear by letting me get dozens of foot massages for four bucks each, and even one massage by a prison inmate. You taught me how to make the best pad thai with crunchy peanuts on top and showed me the tedious art of making paper umbrellas.
“Arigatou” to Japan
Arigatou Japan, especially Tokyo. You coached me through making a colorful plate of sushi that was actually edible and you taught me the proper etiquette of a traditional tea ceremony that made me realize that I can be refined for at least ten minutes at a time. You showed me the intensity of a sport while watching a sumo wrestler’s practice session. You let me pet a few felines at the quirkiest Cat Cafe and served me drinks out of a dummy’s head at a fun jail themed restaurant.

“Merci” to France
Merci Paris, France for showing me the time consuming art of making a yummy macaron cookie, for putting on a super sexy show at the Moulin Rouge, for allowing me to lock my love on the Pont des Arts bridge and for officially turning me into a lover of the prix fixe meal.
“Danke” to Switzerland
Danke to Switzerland for being a spontaneous stop on my route and provided an unexpected pleasure of things to do. You introduced me to traditional fondue, proving to that gooey cheese and cubes of bread can be an entire meal. You introduced me to one of the best street foods, warm chestnuts in a brown paper bag and you let me drink the freshest water that came straight from one of your hundreds of fountains in the city of Zurich.
“Grazie” to Italy
Grazie Italy for reminding me of your exquisite beauty this past year. You let me drive throughout the rolling hills of Tuscany and showed me that true artisan craftsmanship still exists. You taught me how to use a potters wheel and made me climb the 468 stairs of the Florence Duomo…again. I am not sure how happy I am about that one. And you fed me. Very well. As always.
“Mh’gōi” to Hong Kong, China
Mh’gōi Hong Kong, China for immersing me into your culture by feeding me chicken feet at the cheapest Michelin starred restaurant and a hearty bowl of snake soup. You let me take a ride through Victoria Harbour on a traditional junk boat while watching the Symphony of Lights. You allowed me to climb countless stairs to get close to Big Buddha and then saved me some steps with a ride on the longest outdoor escalator in the world, the mid-level elevators.
“Ke kmal mesaul” to Palau
Ke kmal mesaul Palau, mostly because I did not even realize that tiny speck on the map could be so amazing and filled with incredible things to do. You let me take my first natural mud bath in the Milky Way and left my skin silky smooth. You also allowed me to swim in jellyfish lake with thousands of these plankton. You fed me a traditional Palauan meal and showed me that snorkeling in 82 degree water is so much better than the 60 degrees elsewhere.
“Gracias” to Spain, Chile & Argentina
Gracias Spain for letting me explore the depths of a cava cave with you and teaching me that not all bubbly cavas are created equal. This year you also confirmed that pan con tomate is one of the best things on earth.
Gracias Chile for giving me my first horseback ride through autumn colored vineyards and then letting me soak my aching muscles in a hot tub made out of a wine barrel.
Gracias Argentina for making me overdose on a variety of meat while attending three traditional asados and serving me tasty blood sausage. You also taught me how to make addictive empanadas, so I can indulge even when I am at home in California.
“Thank You” to North America and Canada
Thank you Louisiana for giving me a nibble of fried frog legs, alligator and cracklin’s. I will be back for that squirrel. Thanks Kentucky for letting me tour a thoroughbred horse farm, and drink a glass of the official Kentucky derby wine, even if I didn’t get to wear a really big hat.
Many thanks Canada for letting me stand right behind Niagara Falls and feel the mist from the gushing water. And a dozen thank yous to New York for allowing me to gorge at the restaurant that created the original chicken wings. I will have to work my way up to the spicy sauce. Thanks to Idaho for proving you are way more than just potatoes and letting me stand on one of the most inspirational spots.
And of course, thank you to my home state of California, not only have you been there for me every time I returned from traveling, you also showed me how to mushroom hunt in Angwin, gave me swag at a swanky San Francisco party and let me eat all-I-could-eat at a crab feed.
200 Best Travel Quotes: Sayings to Inspire You to Explore The World
9 Ways to Make Travel More Meaningful
Wow, what a year you have had. Baie Dankie (Afrikaans) for sharing these moments with us :)
Baie Dankie to you for reading :)
Happy New Year! Wishing you a great 2014. :-)
Same to you!!
Loved this. Took a lot of work, huh? I look forward to reading your blogs and looking at your pictures in the new year :) THANK YOU!
Wow what a great year! awesome pics :)
It was a jam-packed year and I am hoping to duplicate it again this year :)
What a year, well your doing better than me as my total is only at four!
Also i’m rather jealous that you’ve been to Palau – its quite high up on my list!
I do hope you make it to Palau, it was such a great experience. Especially because the water was so warm!
This is one of my favorite posts of yours Annette. Thank you (that is english :-p) for sharing this with all of us :-D
Thanks Danny! That means a lot coming from you :)
I love this! What a fabulous way to honor all the places you’ve been. I can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store!
Thank You ;)
Yep, it’s vital to learn a few words, especially in some countries where they don’t speak many foreign languages.
But, saying “thank you”, “hello” and “goodbye” are the bare essentials for showing your kindness and respect towards locals.
I agree, those are the three words I try to learn wherever I am. Plus, how to count from 1-3!
Small addition to your list: “Hvala” in Serbian,”Multzumesc” in Roumanian.
Thanks for the additions!
Vinaka vakalevu from Fiji. I really appreciate the gratitude sentiment. I’ve only just stumbled across the site, which is amazing. I was just wondering, do you have a big ‘why’ for pursuing your bucket list now?
I want to live the life you’re living! It seems like you’ve conquered the entire world. Your pictures truly capture the experiences you had in each different place you visited. Keep adding to this long list…we’re all your biggest supporters!