Annette White working on her computer

How to Make Money Blogging: 7 Ways to Monetize

You can make money blogging—and here's the top ways I monetize! It's best to start these techniques as a beginner…

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Jordan Dead Sea

9 Things Not to Do When Writing a Book

The Bucket List Adventures book has been handed over to the publishing house editors, which gives me time to contemplate…

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Annette White with her Book Advance Check

Dream Day: I Got a Book Deal

I literally get hundreds of emails a day, three quarters of which I trash before evening opening. In hindsight, I…

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Peter & Annette

My Day Job as an Italian Trattoria Restaurateur

When I am not traveling the world making checks on my bucket list, you can find me playing restaurateur at…

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Hey Bucket Listers!
I'm Annette.

I’m a goal obsessed mid-lifer, traveler, experience collector, fear crusher, digital marketer and author with big bucket list dreams. Let's Connect!

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