Did you know that there are over 10,000 different species of animals? Wowza! It’d be impossible to see them all, but you can make a dent in it by checking off the creatures on this random animal list.
From the tiny ant to the massive elephant, animals come in all shapes and sizes. I’ve included some popular ones, along with names of some you may have never heard of before.

List of Random Animals List to See in Your Lifetime
1. Alligator
Alligators are found in freshwater habitats such as lakes, ponds, and marshes across much of the United States. They are carnivores and typically prey on small mammals or other reptiles like turtles. But, they also eat birds, fish or anything else they can catch!
Although known for their intimidating presence and powerful jaws, alligators tend to use caution when around humans and are generally fearful unless provoked.

2. Alpaca
Alpacas are often mistaken for their relative, the llama, but alpacas are actually a breed of their own. They have long eyelashes, curved ears and fluffy wooly coats that can range in color from white to brown and even occasionally black or gray.
Alpaca wool is considered one of the most luxurious and soft fibers in the world and it’s used to make high-end clothing garments, like sweaters. We saw it being sold in a ton of stores when we were in the city of Cusco, Peru!
3. Ant
Many of us aren’t fascinated with ants, because they can be found almost anywhere—from tropical climates to deserts and even our own backyards! But, ants actually have some incredible abilities too; their large organizational skills such as efficient food storage, complex communication systems, and carrying items many times their own weight. It will be an easy one to check off the random animal list, but if you want to delve a little deeper into the life of an ant, think about buying an ant farm to truly see them at work.
4. Anteater
The “Anteater” animal is one of the most mysterious creatures on earth. Their scientific name is Myrmecophaga tridactyla, and they are only found in certain tropical regions (the only time I ever saw one was in the South American country of Guyana).
This unusual animal can grow up to two meters long and has a remarkably long nose that is perfect for snacking on ants and termites. They have powerful claws which enable them to rip open hollow logs searching for food, as well as strong limbs that carry it around with ease. Additionally, Anteaters have a specialized tongue that stretches up to 60 cm long, enabling them to eat 35,000 insects in a single day!
5. Armadillo
Armadillos are perhaps best known for their bony armor ridges, large leathery shell covering their backside and four relatively short legs. The shell is made up of hard plates that shield them from predators and sticks out slightly from beneath their belly making them look like a larger version of a hamster when they roll into their signature ball.
Although they are typically shy animals, armadillos will sometimes come out during the day to look for food, usually grubs or insects. Despite evidence of their existence dating back hundreds of years, there are still many mysteries surrounding these creatures that scientists continue to explore today!
6. Baboon
Baboons are primates that belong to the genus Papio and often live in savanna and rocky areas. They were everywhere when I was on an African safari in Tanzania. They typically have long, dog-like muzzles and heavy, humped shoulders along with a tail or none at all, depending on the species.
7. Bat
Bats not only are the only mammal capable of flight, they also come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Depending on the species, bats can range from tiny Microbats to much larger Megabats! They are mostly nocturnal animals, which means they live their lives during the night time hours.
While we often associate their name with spooky tales or horror movies, these misunderstood little mammals actually play an important role in our ecosystems by naturally controlling populations of insects and pollinating plants.
8. Beaver
Did you know that the beaver is a nocturnal, marsh-loving rodent known for its large flat tail and teeth powerful enough to chew down an entire trees? It’s true! The beaver has strong claws too, which it uses to haul its food into the water and build its dam-like homes near streams and wetlands.
9. Bee/Wasp
While both bees and wasps have the same sleek, segmented bodies and fast flying capabilities, they do vary in a few ways. Bees have hairy legs so they can collect pollen to feed their colonies while wasps hunt down other small insects to bring back as food for their young. Both species also have stingers, but only female bees and wasps will use them as a defense mechanism.
10. Beetle
Beetles come in a variety of shapes and sizes and may have one horn or several. Each species has two sets of wings; front wings that are hard and protective known as the elytra, and membranous rear wings used for flight. A few fascinating facts about Beetles include their ability to float on water, some species emitting light, and even some that feed exclusively on wood.
11. Bobcat
A bobcat is a wild cat native to North America, with the scientific name lynx rufus. It generally weighs between 15 and 40lbs and can be as long as four feet in body length. They’re incredibly resourceful hunters who won’t hesitate to feast on insects, fish, birds and various small rodents.
They have an undeniable ability to adapt which makes them an elusive presence in backyards, parks and other areas of the great outdoors.
12. Camel
So, you’ve heard of camels but don’t know too much about them? Well, a camel is actually pretty rare – there are only two types of camels in the world: a dromedary camel which has one hump, and Bactrian camels which have two.
A camel is actually an incredibly versatile creature; they can transport people or goods over distances where other animals may not be able to make it. In some areas, due to the lack of roads, camels are still the primary form of transportation (they transported me while I was in Jordan’s Wadi Rum desert!
13. Centipede
A centipede’s namesake stems from its body, which is composed of several segments with one pair of legs per segment. In addition to having over thirty pairs of legs depending on species, centipedes also have poison claws and jaws enabling them to capture prey and defend itself.
Centipedes are found all around the world in moist habitats such as leaf litter, under stones or logs, and in rotting wood. There is an incredible diversity among these random animals—some measure only five millimeters long, while others can be up to 30 centimeters long!
14. Chameleon
A chameleon is a type of reptile that is most recognized for its ability to change the color of its skin. Many species even have the ability to change multiple colors at once!
Most chameleons live in warm climates with plenty of trees and plants, as they feed on insects and thrive in tropical environments.
15. Cheetah
Did you know that the cheetah is the fastest land mammal alive? It is capable of reaching speeds upwards of 75 miles per hour! They also have incredible eyesight—eight times better than humans—which allows them to detect prey up to five kilometers away.
16. Chicken
Chicken is an important food source for many cultures, providing eggs and meat, which makes it an integral part of many countries’ diets and cooking traditions. It is also known for being one of the most entertaining animals to keep as a pet—they are full of character!
17. Chimpanzee
Chimpanzees are intelligent beings, who share 93% of their DNA with humans, can display remarkable problem solving skills and showcase an impressive ability to understand relationships, among other things. Besides all that, they are fun to watch!
18. Cow
This will probably be an easy check off the Random Animal Bucket List, because you can see cows in pastures all over the world. You can add some difficulty to it by looking for specific colors or for mamas with their calf.
19. Coyote
Coyotes are members of the canine family, and share similar characteristics to other species in their family like wolves, foxes, and even some domestic dogs. Their size varies depending on where they live, with the smallest living in regions around the Great Lakes and the bigger coyotes preferring deserts or prairies.
20. Crab
Crabs were gifted with five pairs of legs and a hard outer shell, they are incredibly well adapted to their environment and display some surprisingly complex behaviors. Some have even been observed using tools like pieces of coral to bait fish, smash open mollusks, or protect against threats.
From the shallow coastal marshes to the depths of the ocean floor, crabs can be found living in an incredible range of habitats all over the world. My favorite was the colorful Sally Lightfoot crab that was on my Galapagos Island Animal Bucket List.
21. Crocodile
The crocodile is known for its fearsome jaw strength and tough, scaly skin. Generally living near water, they make a unique maneuver called a “death roll” when hunting prey—spinning them around until they drown.
They have a pointier, more V-shaped snout than alligators and are lighter in color. Plus, they are responsible for more human deaths. So, keep your distance!
22. Deer
Deer have long legs and a nimble step, making them capable of swift movement through the woods and fields they inhabit—we see them in our backyard all the time! The four species of deer are white-tailed, mule, fallow, and sika deer, each with its own distinct characteristics and coloring.
23. Dog
This one should be any easy check off the Random Animal List, because dogs are probably the most commonly known four legged furry creatures. They come in all breeds, shapes, sizes, and personalities, so maybe see how many different varieties you can spot.
They are truly man’s best friend—they provide loyal companionship, can be trained to help their owners in countless ways such as guiding the visually impaired and sniffing out drugs or bomb materials, and serve as playful playmates for children.
If you are considering getting a dog of your own, there are so many fur babies out there just waiting to be adopted by you and your partner. You can start your search at Petfinder.
24. Dolphin
Dolphins belong to the family of the ‘Toothed Whales’ and are well known for their intelligence, grace and playfulness. They come in different shapes, sizes and colors with the most common being the Bottlenose Dolphins, who inhabit warm and temperate seas all over the world.
25. Donkey
Donkeys are hoofed mammals known for their hardworking personalities and stubbornness. They have similar body shapes to horses, but they are usually smaller, with stockier legs. Donkeys are distinguished by their long ears that curve outward and downward toward the ground, making them fairly easy to recognize!
26. Dragonfly
Dragonflies belong to the family of Odonata, and are easily recognizable with their bulky heads, long tails, and huge wingspans that often reach up to 7 inches. Although they may not be large like other animals, dragonflies make up for it with their agility in the air.
We usually spot them near ponds and slow-moving rivers where they feed on nectar flowers and some pesky insects. But don’t be fooled by their grace—these creatures can fly at incredible speeds reaching up to 30-60 miles per hour!
27. Eagle
Eagles soar through the sky, gracefully gliding on thermals and updrafts, with remarkable eyesight for hunting their prey. Typically larger than other birds of prey, eagles possess powerful talons that allow them to capture large animals such as rabbits and fish from rivers. With its distinctive plumage, fierce demeanor and strong flight capabilities, it is no surprise that eagles have held a place of honor in many cultures across the world for centuries.
28. Earthworm
Earthworms live in the ground, where they help keep the soil healthy by turning plant matter back into nutrients. With no eyes or ears, they feel their way around by using their sensitive bristles on their skin. These unusual creatures can regenerate if parts of them get damaged or cut off—how cool is that? They also have five hearts and breathe through their skin, which makes them unique among animals.
29. Eel
Eels are in the fish family, but when most people think of they, they picture a long, slender snake-like creature swimming in the water. In fact, eels can be anywhere from 4 inches to 13 feet long and come in a variety of colors. Eel habitats include both fresh and salt water, and consist of everything from estuaries to coral reefs.
30. Elephant
Elephants are gentle giants that can grow up to 13 feet tall and weigh over 20,000 pounds. Plus, they have a very unique physical feature—their trunk! Not only is the trunk used for drinking water, but it’s also used as an extra limb to pick objects off the ground or even move leaves from side to side.
What’s more, elephants possess incredible intelligence and memory skills, with some having been observed burying their dead and displaying social behavior like no other species.
One of my favorite travel experiences was bathing them at an elephant sanctuary in Thailand.
31. Ferret
Ferrets are small, carnivorous mammals that belong to the Mustelidae family, which includes weasels, mink and otters. Their playful personality has made them become more popular as pets in the United States.
32. Fire Fly
Fireflies, also known as the animal name lightning bugs, display a beautiful sight when the darkness falls, signaling summer evenings with flashing light that comes from their lower abdomen. Fireflies are actually a type of beetle and belong to the Lampyridae family. They can be found all around the world, except for Antarctica however they are most common in tropical areas near swamps and marshes as they need a moist climate in order to survive.

33. Flamingo
Flamingos are tall, distinctive birds with a long neck and long, spindly legs. The most recognizable feature of a flamingo is its feathers, which come in shades of pink, orange, yellow and white depending on their diet. Flamingos spend as much as two thirds of their lives standing in water, using their beaks to feed on shrimp and small fish.
34. Fox
Foxes are well-known animals in the world; they’re featured prominently in stories and seen in pretty much every zoo. They vary greatly in size and appearance—from the large arctic fox down to the smallest fennec fox, which could easily stand on one’s hand! We have one come visit in our backyard and it’s the size of a small german shepard.
35. Frog
The frog is an amphibian and belongs to the family of Anura, which is Latin for “without tail”. There are over 4,000 species of frogs all over the world ranging in size, color, and shapes. They have long legs that help them jump great distances and they can change colors depending on the environment they are in.
The coolest part is that they start as eggs before becoming tadpoles and then turning into adult frogs. We used to watch this happen in the creeks near my house!
36. Giraffe
Giraffes are native to the African savannah and are the world’s tallest living terrestrial animal. An adult giraffe can reach heights of up to 18 feet and upper body weights of nearly 2,000 pounds!
Their unique spotted patterns on their fur are used for camouflage purposes from predators. They are most recognizable by their incredibly long neck that helps them eat up high in the trees for acacia leaves.

37. Goat
Goats have always been one of my favorite animals—their personalities, behavior, and appearance are just too adorable!
Though goats are closely related to sheep, they also differ in many ways. Goats have long, narrow faces with two slender horns while sheep tend to have a more rounded face and thick curved horns. Additionally, goats usually only produce one baby at a time while sheep will usually produce multiple offspring.
38. Gorilla
Gorillas are a type of primate and one of the four great apes along with chimpanzees, orangutans, and bonobos. Most gorillas live in Africa and can be found in tropical and subtropical forests (it’s on my bucket list to go trekking with them in Uganda or Rwanda!).
39. Grizzly Bear
Grizzly bears are cool animals to observe in nature, but it’s important to remember to stay a safe distance away when doing so. They are one of the largest mammalian carnivores in North America, boasting an impressive stature and strength. Despite their intimidating features such as long claws, muzzles, and thick fur coats, they usually avoid contact with humans unless provoked or hungry.
40. Hermit Crab
A hermit crab is an invertebrate that lives in tropical areas around the world. It’s both interesting and unique in how it holds its body together: it wears a shell just like a snail! Unlike a snail, however, the hermit crab finds shells to call home and will even upgrade itself when it finds one too small.
41. Hippopotamus
The hippopotamus, or “river horse,” inhabits both land and water, spending its days underwater to keep its skin moist and cool while keeping a watchful eye on the shore. The hippo can swim swiftly underwater; they can even sleep there without coming to the surface for several minutes at a time! They tend to live in large groups that are usually female-dominated; however males fight each other for dominance during breeding season.
42. Horse
Horses have played many roles throughout history, from working animals to their use in events such as horse shows, racing, rodeos, and more recently therapeutic riding. It should be too hard to spot one!

43. House Cat
House cats are known for their independent nature and playfulness, making them beloved companions to humans throughout history. But, before going out and adopting one, know that having a cat as a pet is a commitment. They can live long lives; some reaching over 20 years!
44. Hyena
Hyenas are often thought to be a type of wild dog, but they actually belong to the family Mustelidae and are more closely related to cats. There are four types of hyena – the spotted hyena, which is the most common and recognizable species, the striped hyena, brown hyena and released from extinction near Eastern Africa, the aardwolf.
They mainly feed on decaying animals that have been left behind by other scavengers; however they will also hunt live prey such as zebras and antelope.
45. Iguana
Iguanas are a fascinating species of reptile that are native to Central and South America. They have drab, rough skin in shades of green, gray, and brown, along with a row of spines that run down their backs. They were one of the cool animals to spot on our Galapagos Animal Bucket List!
46. Jellyfish
Did you know that despite their various shapes and sizes, jellyfish are actually not fish? In fact, they belong to the Cnidaria family, which includes a variety of aquatic animals such as coral and anemones. What makes jellyfish so unique is their ability to move in the water by pulsing or using muscular contractions—it truly is mesmerizing!
Because they don’t have brains or hearts, jellyfish live simply with eyespots located on the bell area to help them find food in their environment. That’s right – Jellyfish have no need for bones, scales or even fins!
Contrary to popular belief, not all jellyfish sting. I swam with thousands of stingless ones in Palau’s Jellyfish Lake.
47. Kangaroo
Kangaroos are one of the most iconic animals in Australia. These unique marsupials are well-known for their amazing ability to use their powerful back legs and long, muscular tail to hop around. They can reach incredible speeds of up to 40 miles per hour! While Kangaroos vary in size, they typically weigh between 90 and 150 pounds, with males being larger than females.
48. Koala
Koalas are adorable and often thought to be bears, but they actually belong to the marsupial family. Their fur is gray or light brown in color and helps them keep warm during cold nights. They typically spend 20 hours each day sleeping & eating eucalyptus leaves, which form up to 90% of their diet! Koala’s also have opposable thumbs on their front paws which help them grasp branches as they clamber from one tree to another.
49. Komodo Dragon
The Komodo dragon is an impressive animal, and truly a sight to behold! It’s the largest living species of lizard and is native to five islands belonging to the Indonesian archipelago. With its leathery hide and long, forked tongue, the Komodo dragon can reach up to 10 feet in length and weigh up to 150 pounds. Scary as they may look, their diet mainly consists of deer, wild boar, water buffalo – and sometimes even smaller Komodo dragons!
PS: If you’re in Indonesia, you can see the giant-size dragons on Komodo Island.

50. Leopard
The leopard is a ferocious animal, both feared and respected. It is known for its elusive nature as well as its ability to adapt to life in many different environments. These large cats are also incredibly powerful, with their spotted coats providing amazing camouflage within their natural surroundings. Leopards can be found across Africa and Asia and typically eat small animals like rabbits, monkeys, and gazelles – although they have been known to take down larger prey too!
51. Lion
Lions are a majestic animals that have an unmistakable roar and hunt in packs for their supper. These big cats live in savannahs and plains but despite their size they can easily hide in tall grasses or shrubs making them difficult to find!
52. Lizard
Lizards come in all shapes and sizes, from the pokey gecko to the giant Komodo dragon. What makes them unique is their ability to adapt to different environments; some lizards can live both on land and in water, usually depending on their habitat and climate.
53. Llama
The llama is a unique and often amusing-looking animal native to the South American Andes Mountains—we saw a ton of them when hiking the Inca trail to Machu Picchu. It is a domesticated form of the guanaco, a wild camelid that is related to the alpaca, vicuña and guaraco. While they are usually calm animals, they can throw temper tantrums if provoked.

54. Lobster
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘lobster’? Maybe you’re already salivating just at the thought of one of these savory crustaceans, but there’s more to this creature than just a delicious meal. Lobsters are invertebrate animals that inhabit marine or freshwater habitats, usually found in shallow coastal waters through to depths of around 2,000 feet. They have an external shell and jointed legs that make them well-suited for both swimming and crawling on rocky bottom substrata.

55. Manatee
Manatees, also known as sea cows, are submerged mammals that can be found in the shallow coastal waters of warm oceans. Typically found in the Southeast United States and Gulf of Mexico, these large animals have short, wide tails and two front flippers. Manatees are very gentle herbivores, feeding mainly on sea grass and algae. A fun fact about manatees is that they can hold their breath for a long time—in some cases up to 20 minutes!
PS: You can swim with manatees in Florida’s Crystal River. I did!
56. Meerkat
Have you ever heard of the meerkat? This small, mostly-solitary mammal lives in desert and savannah regions across parts of South Africa and Namibia. It’s part of the mongoose family, a social species that lives in colonies ruled by alpha pairs. Meerkats are known for their alert behavior, standing up on their hind legs with front paws pointing to the sky to look for predators.
57. Mongoose
Mongooses are a type of mammal found mainly in Africa, and parts of Asia and Europe. Though they look like ferrets or weasels, mongooses are members of the family Herpestidae. They’re known for their agile and energetic behavior, being able to dart quickly around obstacles and deliver highly effective strikes against cobras!
58. Moose
A moose is often considered the ‘King of the Forest’! With impressive antlers, dark fur and a stout body, moose are easily recognized throughout North America, Europe and Asia. They are even beloved enough to be featured in many movies and children’s books. But they aren’t just iconic; they are one of the largest living species of deer and can come up to 7 feet tall—that’s almost 2 meters! With webbed hooves and long legs, these impressive creatures can travel for miles at a time.
59. Newt
A newt is an aquatic or semi-aquatic creature that belongs to the same family as salamanders and frogs. It’s an amphibian, which means it can live on both land and in water depending on its surroundings. Newts are generally small with moist skin that may have bumps and ridges. In some areas, they can have vibrant coloring – bright greens, oranges, yellows, and browns!
60. Octopus
Octopi are a fascinating species of cephalopod, and known for their eight legs and their ability to squirt ink. They can be found in nearly every ocean around the world, in all shapes and sizes. Octopus anatomy is very different from ours; they have no central bones or vertebrae, instead relying on sacks of fluid for support. They also have amazing problem-solving skills, being able to figure out puzzles and open jars with their tentacles.
61. Orangutan
An orangutan is a tree-dwelling primate that mostly inhabits rainforests in Indonesia and parts of Malaysia. Its name comes from the Malay language, with “orang” meaning “man” and “hutan” meaning “forest”. These primates are very intelligent and can be seen utilizing tools, like sticks, to help them fish for insects out of trees.
62. Ostrich
Ostriches are the largest living species of bird, and also the fastest, capable of reaching speeds of up to 43 miles per hour. What’s remarkable is that they can achieve this speed by running on just two legs! One of their most distinctive features is their large eyes – the eyes are larger than those of any other land animal, allowing them to have excellent vision. And despite their seemingly small and fragile heads, there’s nothing delicate about their diet – they eat flowers, leaves, seeds and small insects.
63. Otter
Otters are an aquatic mammal species, commonly seen along shorelines and in rivers around the world. While closely related to their cousin the badger, their slender and streamlined build allows them to easily navigate in water. With a playful attitude, they love to slide on mud or snow as well as play with each other as part of their social nature.
64. Owl
Owls come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from tiny pygmy owls to large Eurasian eagle owl’s up to two and a half feet tall. Generally, they are nocturnal predators that mainly feed on small mammals, reptiles, and insects. They have some incredible eyesight—their large eyes in combination with facial discs focus light and allow them to have excellent vision even in darkness!
65. Panda
A Panda, usually referred to as a Giant Panda, is the rarest bear species in the world and one of the most recognizable animals due to its unique black and white coloring. Found mainly in southern China, Pandas have become a symbol of conservation efforts across the globe. Sadly, this species is endangered due to human activity destroying their habitat and reducing their food sources. In response, organizations are devoted to preserving this magnificent animal by reintroducing it into the wild and maintaining its habitat.
66. Parrot
Parrots are vibrant and colorful animals that are found on every continent except Antarctica. Native to tropical and temperate regions, these birds have curved beaks that differ between species, enabling them to feed on a wide variety of food sources. A parrot’s diet usually consists of nuts, fruit, vegetables, flowers, and occasionally insects.
67. Peacock
Peacocks have distinctive long tail feathers that make them easily recognizable. Males boast bright and colorful feathers with iridescent green or blue “eye” spots, while female peacocks are slightly less glamorous (albeit equally as beautiful) with muted earthy tones of brown. They usually measure between three and four feet in length and live in tropical climates near slow-moving water sources such as ponds or marshes.
68. Pelican
Pelicans are fascinating creatures with a few unique physical characteristics that make them stand out among other animals. With their unmistakable bills and large bodies on long legs, these impressive birds can be found all over the world in tropical wetlands and in coastal areas. As opportunistic feeders, pelicans will eat pretty much anything they can find, including fish, shellfish, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals and insects. Pelicans also typically live very long lives, up to 25 years, making them one of nature’s longest-lived feathered friends.
69. Penguin
Who doesn’t love watching penguins? They come in a wide variety of starkly contrasting colors depending on the species, ranging from their iconic black and white to blues and even yellows. Penguins live mostly in the southern hemisphere and can be found as far south as Antarctica where they spend an extraordinary amount of time perched atop the icy landscape. Searching for penguins was the most popular thing to do in the Falkland Islands, and we saw five different species!

70. Pig
Pigs are intelligent animals, capable of recognizing familiar faces, creating complex social networks, and even playing complex games such as video games! As omnivores, they eat a wide variety of food including both plant-based and processed foods. Not only are they great sources of food but they also provide us with materials such as leather, bristles for brushes, bones for tools and trinkets, and fat for soap. Those who have experienced raising a pet pig can attest to how friendly and loyal these creatures can be – making them excellent companions to any household!
For an extra special bucket list experience you can try swimming with pigs in Exuma! It was one of the coolest things to do in the Bahamas.
71. Pigeon
Pigeons famously thrive in urban settings around the world, making them a common sight for cities across the globe. But, they are actually highly intelligent birds, they have even been utilized in many military operations throughout history.
PS: they are also edible, and are listed on our weird food bucket list. Will you dare to try it?
72. Polar Bear
A Polar Bear is an iconic animal of the Arctic, one that has been featured in films and books for its unique looks. This powerful predator is found mainly around the northern circumpolar region and is the world’s largest living land carnivore weighing up to 1400 pounds! Its white fur helps it blend into its environment and also provides built-in insulation from cold temperatures.
73. Porcupine
Porcupines are native to the Americas, Africa, and parts of Asia. The name ‘porcupine’ comes from the Latin word porcus which means ‘pig’, and spina meaning ‘thorn’. They have modified hairs that are packed around their body to form a protective quill. Most porcupines have a simple diet consisting mostly of tree bark and leaves but they can also eat nuts and fruits.
Porcupines use these quills as a defense mechanism when threatened by predators, since an attacking animal may risk injury from these sharp needles!
74. Possum
A possum is an animal that is part of the marsupial infraorder and commonly found in Australia, New Guinea, and Indonesia. It is related to other species that are often referred to as “possums,” such as the opossum found in North and South America.
These animals are mostly nocturnal, so you’re unlikely to see them out during the day. You may have to stay up pretty late in order to see this random animal on the list!
75. Puffin
Puffins are easily recognizable in the avian world with their distinctive black and white plumage. These medium-sized seabirds can be found near the sea coasts on cliffs of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans. Puffins are part of the auk family, closely associated with penguins, but they have their own distinct features such as their bright beaks chock-full of colorful markings come breeding season.
76. Rabbit
The rabbit is one of the cutest animals out there! Commonly known for their fluffy exterior and big floppy ears, these small mammals are naturally timid yet thrive when given enough love and attention—they make great companion animals! Aside from being an extremely popular pet choice, many species of rabbits live in the wild as well.
77. Racoon
Raccoons may look like adorable, fluffy critters, but they’re actually incredibly intelligent animals (and can be quite mean too!). Native to North America and parts of Europe, raccoons are stocky mammals that are easily recognizable because of their gray fur and telltale black mask around their eyes. If you live in an area with urban wildlife, like me, it’s very possible that you might have some furry visitors like raccoons intruding in your backyard!
78. Rat/Mouse
Rats and mice are both small, furry animals that belong to the scientific order known as Rodentia. Rats and mice have been around since at least the early 19th century, although they are widely seen today (and often not in the best of light). Despite their bad reputation, rats and mice can actually be really fun to watch in their clever antics!
While synonymous for a lot of people, there are some differences between rats and mice too: rat tails are typically thicker than mouse tails, rats have proportionally larger ears than mice, and most species of rat are larger than most species of mouse.
79. Rhino
Rhinos are covered in hairless gray or brown-hued skin and look almost prehistoric with their two horns, squat bodies, and stubby legs. There are five existing rhinoceros species—white rhino, black rhino, Sumatran rhino, Indian rhino, and Javan Rhino – the latter three being some of the most endangered species of mammals on the planet due to poaching. They were the hardest animal for us to find while trying to spot the African Big Five on safari.
80. Scorpion
Scorpions are arachnids that have four pairs of legs and a distinctive segmented tail which is often tipped with a venomous stinger. Depending on the species, scorpions can range in size from a few millimeters to nearly 8 inches long. Most species prefer to live in warm desert climates, or around human habitats like homes, barns, and other buildings.
Scorpions generally only use their stinger when threatened or disturbed as an act of self defense. So if you ever stumble upon a scorpion, no need to panic—just admire it from afar!
81. Sea Horse
Sea Horses look like small equines, with their long tubular snouts and curved bodies. But don’t let their horse-like features deceive you; they are actually closely related to pipefish and belong to the Syngnathidae family. Each species has a unique, distinctive color pattern and they can range in size from 1.2 inches as adults, up to 14 inches.
82. Sea Urchin
Sea urchins may look like harmless spiny critters, but there’s more to these animals than meets the eye. They live in every ocean on earth, from shallow water to depths over 6,400 feet! Interestingly, despite the diversity of environments they inhabit, all sea urchins have fairly consistent anatomy. Each one is round and symmetrical with visible spines that originate from an internal support system called a “test.” These spines are movable and allow sea urchins to burrow through sand or mud and move around their environment.
83. Seal
Seals are aquatic mammals, living in oceans all over the world. They’re made for life underwater, with large lungs that help them hold their breath for long periods of time. But it’s not just their breath-holding ability that makes seals impressive – they can also swim quickly and dive deep. Plus, some seals can even use their claws to catch fish – how cool is that?
84. Shark
Sharks are an incredible species with amazing adaptations that have allowed them to survive in the world’s oceans for millions of years. Not only are they powerful predators, but they also need to constantly keep moving in order to breathe. Sharks can range vastly in size, from a small cookie-cutter shark that measures just over 6 inches long all the way up to the famous Great White Shark which can measure nearly 20 feet in length!
85. Sheep
Sheep are mostly a type of domesticated animal in the course of human history that is part of the same family as goats and both descend from wild animals. The primary purpose of sheep has been to provide wool and meat for humans, but more recently there are plenty that are kept as pets. Interestingly, some rare breeds of sheep even contain multiple horns! It definitely makes them stand out from other hoofed animals; so if you’re ever wondering what type of animal a strange two-horned creature might be—chances are it’s a sheep.
86. Skunk
Skunks are members of the family Mephitidae, which comes from the Greek word “mephitis,” meaning noxious odor! Skillful in defense, skunks will raise their tails when threatened and then spray an unbearable odiferous fluid from their anal glands!
Typically black-and-white with a bushy tail, skunks are beloved in popular culture for their infamous stripes and smelly defensive mechanism. They are primarily nocturnal animals who prefer to nest in small burrows and venture out during twilight hours.
87. Sloth
The sloth is a unique and endearing animal, found in the rainforests of South and Central America. In their natural habitat, you will often see them slowly moving through the tree canopies or hanging from branches with a relaxed grip with all four limbs. As for their appearance, sloths have an approximate weight of 9-17 pounds and distinct shaggy brown fur that helps to camouflage them from predators.
Sloths are also quite simple creatures in terms of diet, their primary food source being green leaves, flowers, buds and even fruits picked off the trees they cling to so easily.
88. Slug
A slug is a kind of mollusk which looks like a snail minus the shell. It has an elongated body and is coated in slime, which helps it to move around nimbly on land, even though it can also “swim” with its modified foot that is part of its anatomy. They have four sets of tentacles, two sets as eyes and two others for smelling, tasting and feeling.
89. Snail
Snails are one of the more unique creatures found living in our garden. With their slimy exterior and tendency to move slowly, they’re very different from most animals. Snails are gastropod mollusks that are typically characterized by features like a shell that is used as a protection against predators, two sets of ‘feelers’, or tentacles – one pair for eyesight, another for smelling and feeling – and an unsegmented foot for locomotion.
90. Snake
Snakes can be found all over the world. Most snakes are non-venomous and usually harmless, but there is still something quite intimidating about their size and slithery movement. It’s important to remember, though, that snakes play an important role in many ecosystems by controlling rodent populations. As cold-blooded predators, they hunt their prey with keen eyesight, detecting them with their tongues or heat sensing pits in some species.
91. Spider
Spiders come in all sizes (there’s about 50,000 species in the world!), but all have eight legs and most have eight eyes. Plus, all spiders make silk and many make webs of that silk. Despite their somewhat frightening appearance, spiders can be cool to watch.

92. Squirrel
Squirrels have long, bushy tails and large eyes, making them a favorite of many animal-lovers. They are quite the agile creatures too, able to climb trees and navigate with ease. These rodents spend most of their time gathering and storing food for Winter and checking out their surroundings from high atop trees. Acorns and tree bark are among some of their favorite treats!
93. Starfish
The starfish, also known as the sea star, has the ability to move around by crawling on its many “arms.” These arms aren’t always uniform in number and can range anywhere from five to forty. The main body of the starfish consists of tube feet, which they use to help move and also vacuum up food particles like plankton.
A fun fact about the starfish is that color varies drastically depending on their environment; some have been spotted with hues of pink, orange, blue, or even odd combinations like purple and yellow!
94. Sting Ray
Stingrays are usually found in shallow tropical oceans, and are known for their flat, diamond-shaped bodies. But don’t be fooled by its harmless appearance, they have powerful venomous barbed spines on their tails that can deliver a painful sting if provoked.
95. Tarantula
Tarantulas belong to a family of eight-legged critters known as arachnids. They range in size and color, with many species having bright, vivid markings. While they may look intimidating, tarantulas are actually quite gentle and nonaggressive. Typically ground dwellers, they enjoy dark places like under rocks or logs.
96. Tiger
Tigers are powerful animals belonging to the feline family and are usually found in parts of Africa and Asia where they inhabit jungles and forests. Quite unsurprisingly, given their resilient strength and grace, tigers have held a place of great importance in many cultures and myths throughout history. Largely due to conservation efforts, there are now nine tiger subspecies that we know of—and though they share many similar traits, each one still has slightly different characteristics.
97. Tucan
If you’ve ever seen the bright, tropical colors of a toucan, you know how beautiful these birds can be. They are members of the family Ramphastidae, a group of medium-sized to large neotropical birds that live in forests and woodlands throughout Central and South America. They have colorful bills with contrasting black-and-white patterns on their heads, soft short feathers on their backs, and more vibrant plumage adorning their wings and tails.
98. Turtle
A turtle is most known for their shells, which are made from thin layers of bone, making them unique among other terrestrial animals. From the familiar box turtles to the massive tortoises, a variety of species exist all around the world. They have been around for millions of years and are thought to be some of the oldest reptiles on earth.
99. Vulture
Vultures are often seen as one of the most misunderstood birds, but they actually play an important role in ecosystems! Did you know that vultures are large scavenging birds of prey? They’re equipped with strong beaks that can cut through flesh, feathers, and fur like butter. Vultures help to keep their habitats clean by feeding on dead animals, which helps to prevent diseases from spreading.
100. Walrus
A walrus is a large aquatic mammal found in the colder oceans of the northern hemisphere. These unique animals are recognizable by their prominent tusks and long whiskers. On land, they have a waddle-like gait, yet in the water this changes, as walruses are excellent swimmers and often catch their prey underwater.
101. Warthog
Warthogs are actually a wild pig, though they have some pretty distinct features. It has two huge tusks that it uses to dig for food and protect itself from enemies. The fur on its body ranges from brownish black to reddish yellow, giving it a very interesting look. It’s especially cool to see one that is kneeling on its front legs. This position is used for eating grasses on the low ground, because their necks are short and legs are long.
102. Whale
A whale is a large aquatic mammal that can range in size, but some of the largest whales can even reach lengths of up to 33 meters and weigh around 150 metric ton—that’s heavier than most cars! There are over 80 species of whale living all over the world, like humpback whales navigating Western Australia or bottlenose dolphins spotted off the Mediterranean coast.
103. Whale Shark
Whale Sharks are the largest fish in the world! This species of shark is a slow-moving filter feeder that enjoys the warm, tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Whale Sharks can grow up to 40 feet long and weigh up to 15 tons. Despite being one of the largest sharks out there, they pose virtually no threat to humans, which makes them a joy for divers to admire in their natural habitats. I did an incredible swim with whale sharks in Cancun and it was beyond memorable!
104. Wolf
Wolves are in the genus Canis, which includes domesticated dogs as well as coyotes, jackals, and foxes. Wolves stand out in the bunch because of their larger size and impressive strength. They have powerful jaws that allow them to easily tackle huge prey like deer, elk, and even moose. They also have acute senses of hearing and smell which help them track down their dinner.
105. Zebra
With their distinctive black and white stripes, zebras are one of the most iconic wild animals. But did you know that no two zebras have the same stripe pattern? That’s right! Just like every human has a unique set of fingerprints, each zebra is special in its own way.
From warthogs to walruses, this random animal list will surely keep you entertained as you try to spot each name on it.
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