Comments on: Tips for Going to the Movies Alone Tue, 05 Mar 2024 21:47:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Annette White Wed, 09 Jul 2014 23:42:08 +0000 In reply to Kerry.

Loved The Social Network!!! But, I am pretty geeky when it comes to tech stuff.

By: Kerry Wed, 09 Jul 2014 06:20:07 +0000 Yeah, speaking of…how was The Social Network? I believe I saw it on Netflix, but should I put in the time to watch it, in your opinion? :-)

By: Annette Renee White Tue, 09 Aug 2011 20:37:38 +0000 In reply to Jennifer Nixon (@jenniferbnixon).

Yea!!!! I hope it was a really good movie!

By: Jennifer Nixon (@jenniferbnixon) Tue, 09 Aug 2011 14:40:17 +0000 Annette this post inspiried me to get over my anxiety and do it too – so i went on Sunday! you were totally right and my fears were completely unfounded!! xx

By: Lorna Wed, 29 Dec 2010 01:22:08 +0000 First time I actually did it was when I was travelling on my own. I just felt like doing something that seemed normal to me one day. I had those thoughts someone would think I am a loner, but to be honest most people are too busy doing their own thing and if you really have a look usually you are not the only one on your own. These days if there is a movie I want to see I just go with someone or not.

By: Kosho Tue, 07 Dec 2010 22:13:38 +0000 I have no problem going to the movies by myself.  First one I saw on my own was back when I was a teenager and I wanted to see ET.  The problem with that one was that I did sort of choke back some tears during the ET-almost-dying scene.  
Disadvantages to seeing movies by yourself:
1:  Some people might think you're either a loser or a creep.  For this reason, never see a romantic or teen comedy on your own. 
2:  You might see your ex who stomped your heart with their new love interest.
3:  Nobody to watch your stuff when you step out of the theater for a nature call.  This is the only one that I have personal experience with.  When I walked back toward my seat I found my bag sitting in the aisle close to the entrance to the theater.  Nothing was gone out of it.  I grabbed it, sat back down in my seat, and noticed a sketchy character sitting in the aisle.  I asked him if he grabbed my bag and he said 'no' but he thinks he might have seen who did it.  I gave him the look of death and he left rapidly.
Advantages to seeing movies by yourself:
1:  Popcorn and M&Ms (smuggle in the M&Ms) are their own food group.  Plus you don't have to share so there is none of the debates (peanut vs. plain, buttered vs. no butter vs. kettle corn).
2:  For an immersion movie such as Inception or Schindler's List nobody cares if you're by yourself, you don't have to answer questions, and you get to 'lose yourself' in the movie.  Isn't that what movies are supposed to be about?
3:  You get to sit where you want to and people will typically respect the 'one-seat buffer' rule.  Hell-llo leg room, one seat for your backpack, another seat for your popcorn and M&Ms.
4:  It actually is a great way to meet people from your Gender of Interest.
5:  If the movie sucks you get to leave (I've only done this twice).

By: Elle Sun, 28 Nov 2010 14:51:47 +0000 I consider myself to be pretty independent and don't mind doing stuff solo.  I went to Europe on my own and I prefer to shop alone rather than with a group of people.  I am hesitant about going to the movies on my own or eating dinner in a restaurant alone.  The strange thing is, I'll eat lunch by myself but not dinner.  Weird, I know.

By: Jessica Sat, 27 Nov 2010 18:21:02 +0000 I guess I didn't get the memo that there was a stigma attached to going to the movies alone.  I LOVE going to the movies alone.  I tend to have different tastes in movies than my friends/husband and I never like dragging someone to see something they don't want to see.  Its a waste of money and they'll probably complain the whole time, making it less enjoyable for me.  But I'm a big loner and often do things that most do with others. I've even vacationed by myself.  I guess to really push myself I need to do something like take a romantic horse drawn carriage ride by myself!

By: Taigh Smyth Thu, 25 Nov 2010 15:02:13 +0000 Nice!  This is definitely something I want to do.  Another great idea :)

By: C.C. Thu, 25 Nov 2010 06:39:51 +0000 This actually was one of the first things I did to help me start traveling on my own.  Now…I actually prefer going to the movies by myself.   There usually are great deals for the morning showings, or going odd days during the week.
