Do you ever feel awkward at networking events for work, at adult social functions or simply having coffee with a new acquaintance? Me too! Well, have no fear—the best icebreaker questions are here to help.
A set of good questions to break the ice are important because they can help to get the conversation started and make people feel more comfortable (including yourself!). One of the best things about them is that they can be used in a variety of situations—from fun events to team outings. Scan through our top picks, and select a handful to use at your next opportunity.

Good Icebreaker Questions for Teams, Adults, etc.: Have the Best First Conversations!
Funny Icebreaker Questions
Laughter is often said to be the best medicine, and there’s a lot of truth to that. When we laugh, our bodies release endorphins and lower levels of stress hormones. These benefits make laughter a great way to break the ice and make people feel more comfortable in social situations. If you want to make someone feel at ease, just ask them a funny question where you know their answer will result in an amusing response.
1. Are tomatoes a fruit?
2. Choose one famous person from history you want on your team during a zombie apocalypse.
3. Do you hang your toilet paper over or under?
4. Do you have an embarrassing nickname? What is it?
5. Do you have any crazy roommate stories?
6. Does your car have a name? What is it?
7. Everyone has those recurring bad dreams … what is your nightmare?
8. Have you ever blamed a fart on someone else? Who was it?
9. Have you ever gotten super lost? What happened?
10. Have you ever lied about an interest/talent to impress someone?
11. If a turtle doesn’t have a shell, is it homeless or naked?
12. If all the superheroes went to battle against each other, who do you think would win?
13. If all your clothes had to be one color forever, what color would you pick?
14. If someone offered you a million dollars to give up your smartphone forever, would you do it?
15. If the title of your autobiography is the name of your favorite guilty pleasure, what would it be?
16. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
17. If you could be one superhero, which superhero would you be?
18. If you could be reincarnated as any animal, what would you be?
19. If you could create one holiday, what would you create?
20. If you could eliminate one food so that no one would eat it ever again, what would you pick to destroy?
21. If you could have any celebrity be your best friend, which celebrity would you pick?
22. If you could only eat at one restaurant forever, what restaurant would it be?
23. If you could pick three famous people to be a part of your entourage, who would you pick?
24. If you could switch places with anyone in your family for a day, who would it be?
25. If you could turn the ocean into a liquid other than water, which one would it be?
26. If you created your own country, what would it be called?
27. If you had a boat, what would you name it?
28. If you had lots of money, what unnecessary thing would you splurge on?
29. If you had to be an animal, which animal would you be?
30. If you had to be Siamese twins with one person, which person would you pick to be stuck with?
31. If you had to be transformed into one household item, what would it be and why?
32. If you had to use a fake name, what fake name would you use?
33. If you were a wrestler what would be your entrance theme song?
34. If you were famous, what would you be famous for?
35. If you were sent back in time to 1,000 years ago, how would you prove that you’re from the future?
36. If you were trying out for a singing reality show, what song would you sing?
37. If your best friend picked a tattoo for you to get, what would he/she pick?
38. If your dog could talk, what would they say?
39. In your opinion, what’s the funniest word in the English language?
40. Should pineapple go on pizza?
41. What band would you be embarrassed to admit you listen to?
42. What blog or website are you embarrassed to admit you love?
43. What commercial jingle gets stuck in your head all the time?
44. What did you get into the most trouble for with your parents as a kid?
45. What food could you not live without?
46. What funny saying would be written on your tombstone?
47. What game show would you be great at?
48. What invention do you think will be popular in 20 years?
49. What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten for breakfast?
50. What is your signature dance move?
51. What one superpower you would want?
52. What show on Netflix did you binge watch super fast?
53. What was the worst haircut you ever had?
54. What’s a conspiracy theory you kind of believe to be true?
55. What’s a nickname people call you?
56. What’s a pick-up line that actually works for you?
57. What’s the best prank you’ve ever played on someone?
58. What’s the best Wi-Fi name you’ve ever seen?
59. What’s the craziest dare you ever took?
60. What’s the craziest thing on your bucket list?
61. What’s the cringiest dad joke you know?
62. What’s the funniest home gadget you own?
63. What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on your family vacation?
64. What’s the funniest thing you’ve done while drunk?
65. What’s the grossest food you ever ate?
66. What’s the most awkward text you sent to the wrong person?
67. What’s the most embarrassing fashion emergency you’ve ever had?
68. What’s the most ridiculous thing you would buy if you won a million dollars?
69. What’s the worst thing you’ve ever smelt?
70. What’s your strangest talent?
71. Which celebrity do you shamelessly follow on social media?
72. Which Disney character’s story does your life most resemble?
73. Who is your celebrity crush?
74. Who is your celebrity look-alike?
75. Who is your craziest relative?
76. Would you go in the mother-ship with aliens if they landed on Earth tomorrow?
77. Would you rather pee every time you laugh or shart every time you sneeze?
Icebreaker Questions for Work Teams
Good icebreaker questions can be a great way to get to know your work team and colleagues a little better. They can help build rapport and create a more positive, cohesive work environment. Encouraging employees to share a little personal information and get to know one another on a deeper level can help create an environment where people feel more comfortable working together and are more likely to trust and respect one another.
In addition, providing opportunities for employees to bond and build relationships with one another can actually reduce stress levels and improve morale in the workplace.
78. Are you a morning person or a night person?
79. Are you team Android or team Apple?
80. Do you collect anything?
81. Do you have any hidden talents?
82. Do you have houseplants in your office?
83. Do you pack lunches or buy them?
84. Do you play video games on your phone?
85. Do you prefer working from home or in the office?
86. Do you speak a second language?
87. Does the person flying in the middle seat get both armrests?
88. Have you ever pretended you didn’t see somebody to avoid talking to them?
89. How do you feel about a four-day workweek?
90. How do you keep up with what’s going on in the world?
91. How many cups of coffee do you have each morning?
92. How often do you work from bed?
93. How to you unwind after work?
94. If given the choice of being the best at your worst job or the worst at your dream job, which one would you pick?
95. If money and time were no object, what would you be doing right now?
96. If there were no dress code, how would you dress for work?
97. If you could be friends with any celebrity, who would it be?
98. If you could be guaranteed one thing in life, what would it be?
99. If you could be the funniest or smartest person in the room, which would you choose?
100. If you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?
101. If you could change places with anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
102. If you could choose your age forever, what age would you choose and why?
103. If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why?
104. If you could get rid of any current trend, what would it be and why?
105. If you could go back and do your college years over, what would you do differently?
106. If you could have any job in the world, what would you do?
107. If you could have dinner with any famous person, who would you choose?
108. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
109. If you could magically become fluent in any language, what would it be?
110. If you could meet any historical figure, who would it be?
111. If you could spend a day with any CEO in the world, who would it be and why?
112. If you could take a year off from work, what would you do?
113. If you had 1 extra hour each day, how would you use it?
114. If you had a million dollars that you had to donate to charity, which charity would you give it to?
115. If you had the chance to work with any celebrity that you want, who would you choose?
116. If you had to teach a class on one thing, what would you teach?
117. f you were the boss for a day, which is the first thing you would do?
118. If you weren’t in this career, what could you see yourself doing?
119. If you won the lottery, what’s the first thing you would buy?
120. Is cheesecake a cake or a pie?
121. Is there a particular skill that you would recommend that everyone learn?
122. Name a team-building activity that you secretly hate?
123. Should you recline your seat on a flight?
124. Spotify, Pandora or Apple Music?
125. The last work mistake that you made is the title of your autobiography, what is it?
126. The zombie apocalypse is coming, who are three people you want on your team?
127. What activity helps you relieve stress?
128. What animal represents you?
129. What are the five things that are the most important to you except friends and family?
130. What are you most looking forward to doing when you retire?
131. What are your biggest phobias?
132. What book changed your life the most?
133. What book do you think will change lives?
134. What color would you like to paint the office?
135. What do you hope to be doing 10 years from now?
136. What does your morning routine look like when working from home?
137. What emoji best describes you?
138. What in your life do you feel most grateful for?
139. What is a slogan that describes you or your values?
140. What is a unique skill you bring to your job?
141. What is an interesting fact about you that nobody in this room knows?
142. What is one important skill that you think everyone should have?
143. What is one non-work related goal that you would like to achieve in the next five years?
144. What is one of your greatest achievements?
145. What is one part of your daily routine that you look forward to every day?
146. What is one thing on the very top of your bucket list?
147. What is something you consider yourself to be very bad at?
148. What is that one thing that your younger self would have never imagined you doing now?
149. What is the best advice you’ve received from someone in this office?
150. What is the best compliment that you’ve received from someone at work?
151. What is the coolest website you’ve ever visited?
152. What is the most dullest movie ever made?
153. What is the most memorable thing you bought with your first salary?
154. What is the worst advice you’ve followed?
155. What is the worst gift you have ever received from a colleague?
156. What is the worst job that you’ve ever heard of?
157. What is your favorite local restaurant?
158. What is your favorite tech toy?
159. What is your favorite thing about your team?
160. What is your favorite thing to do locally?
161. What kind of pets did you have growing up?
162. What recent social media trend makes you cringe?
163. What school class did you take that helps you the most with your job?
164. What was the first thing you bought with your own money?
165. What was the last thing you gave 110% to?
166. What was the most fun thing you did last weekend?
167. What was the worst job you ever had?
168. What was your dream job when you were a kid?
169. What was your favorite band ten years ago?
170. What would make you feel successful?
171. What would you like to be known or remembered for?
172. What would your dream house be like?
173. What’s the best thing about working from home?
174. What’s your favorite lunch sandwich?
175. What’s one frequently used word that you can’t stand?
176. What’s one piece of advice you wish you’d gotten sooner?
177. What’s one thing you can’t say at work that you wish you could?
178. What’s something you are really proud of accomplishing?
179. What’s the greatest TV show ever made?
180. What’s your dream car?
181. What’s your favorite podcast right now?
182. What’s your favorite social media platform?
183. What’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
184. What’s your proudest professional achievement?
185. When you’re not at work, what are your passions?
186. Which one of your colleagues should open his/her own company?
187. Which team-building activity is your favorite?
188. Who in your life has inspired you most?
189. Who is more likely to cry during an emotional moment?
190. Who is the smartest person you know?
191. Who’s the toughest person you have to buy for during the holidays?
192. Who’s your favorite celebrity?
193. Would you rather always have a full phone battery or a full gas tank?
194. Would you show everyone in this meeting your browser history?
195. You could choose one team member to work with for the rest of your life, who is it?
Random Icebreaker Questions
If you are anything like me, meeting someone new can produce some anxiety because you are not sure what to say. You don’t want to ask too many personal questions, but you also want to seem interested in getting to know them better. That’s where icebreaker questions come in. This set of questions are ones that you can use to get a conversation started, and they can be about anything from favorite books to opinions on current events.
Asking about someone’s favorite things is a great way to get to know them better, and it can also help you find common ground. So the next time you meet someone new, try asking one of these questions. You may be surprised at how well it works.
196.Are you a breakfast person?
197. Are you a cat person or a dog person?
198. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
199. Do you have any hidden talents?
200. Do you have any hobbies?
201. Do you have any pets?
202. Do you like video games? What is your favorite?
203. Have you ever been to the beach?
204. Have you ever met anyone famous?
205. How do you like your eggs?
206. How many people are in your family?
207. How would you spend a rainy day?
208. If someone texted you right now, who would you want it to be?
209. If you could be any character from a childhood fairytale, who would you be?
210. If you could compete in any Olympic sport, which would it be?
211. If you could eat one dessert every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
212. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would you go?
213. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
214. If you could have an unlimited supply of one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
215. If you could invite four famous people to dinner, who would you invite and why?
216. If you could live in any country, where would you live?
217. If you could make up a holiday, what would it be?
218. If you could only keep 3 apps on your phone, what would they be?
219. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which song would you pick?
220. If you could tour with any band, which band would you choose?
221. If you had as much money as you wanted for one day only, what would you do?
222. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
223. If you had to choose only one holiday to celebrate each year, which would it be?
224. If you had to create a nickname for yourself, what would it be?
225. If you had to sing karaoke, what song would you choose?
226. If you were a famous person, what would you be famous for?
227. If you were invisible for a day, what would you do?
228. If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you want to have with you?
229. If you won a million dollars, what would you do with it?
230. What animal would you like to have for a pet?
231. What are you good at?
232. What are you looking forward to in the next month?
233. What are you most grateful for?
234. What are your parents like?
235. What do you daydream about?
236. What do you like to do before you go to bed?
237. What do you love about your birthday?
238. What do you love to do?
239. What do you think makes a good friend?
240. What instrument do you play or do you want to learn?
241. What is one thing you would like to learn?
242. What is the best joke you know?
243. What is the best romantic comedy ever?
244. What is your absolute favorite sound in the world?
245. What is your biggest pet peeve?
246. What is your dream job?
247. What is your earliest childhood memory?
248. What is your favorite animal?
249. What is your favorite book?
250. What is your favorite color?
251. What is your favorite dessert?
252. What is your favorite food?
253. What is your favorite game?
254. What is your favorite holiday?
255. What is your favorite season?
256. What is your favorite song?
257. What is your favorite sport?
258. What is your favorite thing to do outside?
259. What is your guilty pleasure?
260. What is your signature recipe?
261. What makes you happy?
262.What makes you laugh the hardest?
263. What makes your family unique?
264. What motivates you?
265. What was something great that happened to you this week?
266. What was the first concert you ever went to?
267. What was your favorite Halloween costume you ever wore?
268. What was your favorite trip you went on?
269. What was your first car?
270. What was your least favorite childhood chore?
271. What was your least favorite food as a child? Do you still hate it?
272. What’s one adventurous thing that you’d love to try?
273. What’s the best meal you ever cooked?
274. What’s the bravest thing you’ve ever done?
275. What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
276. What’s the last thing you got in “trouble” for?
277. What’s the most boring part of your day?
278. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
279. What’s your favorite emoji?
280.What’s your favorite holiday movie?
281. What’s your favorite holiday?
282. What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?
283. What’s your favorite party game?
284. What’s your favorite season?
285. What’s your favorite social media app?
286. What’s your favorite sport to play?
287. What’s your favorite thing to do right when you wake up?
288. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re alone?
289. What’s your favorite time of day: morning, afternoon, evening or late night?
290. What’s your favorite tv show?
291. What’s your favorite vacation?
292. What’s your most treasured memory?
293. What’s your most-used emoji?
294. When is your birthday?
295. When’s the last time you went somewhere for the first time?
296. Where is your favorite place to eat?
297. Where were you born?
298. Which celebrity would you pick to exchange lives with?
299. Which piece of technology do you own that you think you couldn’t live without?
300. Which topping is the best to put on pizza?
301. Who has been your favorite teacher and why?
302. Who is your best friend?
303. Who is your favorite superhero?
Icebreaker Questions for Adults
Ice breaker questions are a great way to help adults get to know each other. Whether you’re at a party with friends or just meeting new people, these questions can help break the ice and get the conversation flowing.
When it comes to sexy adult icebreaker questions, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the questions are appropriate for the setting and the people you’re with. Second, try to ask questions that will elicit more than a one-word answer. And finally, have fun!
304. Are second rounds exciting or exhausting?
305. Are you a shy guy, sexually?
306. Are you wearing any underclothes right now?
307. Boob or butt guy?
308. Did your parents ever give you the “birds and the bees” talk?
309. Do I make you nervous?
310. Do I make you smile?
311. Do you believe in love at first sight?
312. Do you consider yourself more sexy or brainy?
313. Do you have any sexy pictures on your phone?
314. Do you like talking dirty?
315. Do you prefer making out or cuddling?
316. Do you prefer yoga pant or dresses?
317. Do you think you know what women want?
318. Do you think you’re hotter than your best friend?
319. Has anyone ever sent you a nude pic? Who?
320. Has your boyfriend or girlfriend ever embarrassed you?
321. Has your partner ever laughed at you when he/she saw you naked for the first time?
322. Have you ever been caught checking someone out?
323. Have you ever canceled plans with a friend to go see a boy/girl?
324. Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend?
325. Have you ever dirty texted?
326. Have you ever flirted with your best friend’s siblings?
327. Have you ever got caught doing something you shouldn’t?
328. Have you ever had a crush on a friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend?
329. Have you ever had a dream about me?
330. Have you ever had feelings for someone who is taken?
331. Have you ever had feelings for your best friend?
332. Have you ever liked someone older than you?
333. Have you ever practiced kissing in a mirror?
334. Have you ever thought about cheating on your partner?
335. Have you ever tried to take a sexy picture of yourself?
336. Have your parents ever caught you with your boyfriend/girlfriend?
337. How attractive do you think you are on a scale of 1 to 10?
338. How do you define ordinary sex to making love?
339. How important do you think sex is in a relationship?
340. How many partners have you been with?
341. How many people have you ever kissed?
342. How often do you watch something naughty?
343. If you could choose one celebrity to have sex with who would it be?
344. If you get the chance to take off only one part of the attire I am currently wearing, which part would you take off?
345. If you had to choose your least attractive feature of mine what would it be?
346. If you were allowed to marry more than one person, would you?
347. Is there anyone who saw you naked accidentally?
348. Name the kinkiest request you have ever got from a partner?
349. What color panties are you wearing right now?
350. What do you do to get yourself “sexy”?
351. What do you physically like most about the opposite gender?
352. What do you think is the biggest turn-off?
353. What do you wear to bed?
354. What is something that no one else knows about you?
355. What is the best kiss you have ever had?
356. What is the biggest turn on for you?
357. What is the first feature you noticed of mine?
358. What is the song that you get it on to the most?
359. What is your greatest sexual fantasy?
360. What is your most embarrassing sex memory?
361. What is your opinion about sexting?
362. What is your opinion on a girl making the first move?
363. What is your position on premarital sex?
364. What is your type?
365. What part of my body would you want me to tattoo?
366. What physical features are you attracted to the most in women?
367. What turns you 0N?
368. What was the last dirty thing you searched on your phone?
369. What was the last R-rated movie you watched?
370. What was the last sexy thing you texted?
371. What was your age when you shared your first French kiss?
372. What were your feelings when you had sexual intercourse for the first time?
373. What would be in your web history that you’d be embarrassed if someone saw?
374. What the craziest thing you have ever done?
375. What’s the farthest you have gone on a first date?
376. What’s the first thing you would do if you woke up one day as the opposite gender?
377. What’s the most number of times you’ve done it in one day?
378. What’s the naughtiest thing you’ve done at school?
379. What’s the sexiest thing about a guy?
380. What’s the weirdest thing you and a partner have ever done together?
381. What’s your opinion about your kissing abilities?
382. What’s your ultimate fantasy?
383. When did you lose your virginity?
384. Where is your favorite make out spot?
385. Where’s the strangest place where you have had sex?
386. Which teacher do you think is the hottest?
387. Who do you most want to sleep with, out of everyone here?
388. Who has seen you naked?
389. Who is your dream girl?
390. Who’s the hottest person you’ve ever kissed?
391. Who’s the last person you kissed?
392. Would you ever shower with me?
393. Would you kiss a guy on the first date?
394. Would you tell your best friend that they were being cheated on?
So there you have it, some fun icebreaker questions to help get the conversation started. Whether you’re at a work team networking event, a party or just meeting someone for coffee, these questions can help get the conversation flowing. So next time you find yourself stuck for something to say, remember to give these a try.
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Thanks for sharing of all of these. Keep it up!
I need this. Thanks for sharing; I am too shy to start a conversation.
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful blog.
Wow! fabulous! The blog is very important to me.
It’s help me a lot.