I have always believed that the start (and end) to a great day is listing all the things to be grateful for. There is no shortage of studies on the positive effects of having an attitude of gratitude, though it may sometimes be hard to think of daily ideas—this list of examples can help.

A List of the Best Examples of Things to Be Grateful for Daily
Thankful & Gratitude list
- Puppy breath
- Fuzzy blankets
- Family & friends
- The leaves turning brilliant colors
- Eating dessert first
- Warm weather
- The beach – my favorite of the Things to be Grateful for in the Summer
- Hiking trails
- Heaters that work
- Feeling loved
- Being healthy
- Vino – Especially a jammy red wine
- Organized closets
- Music that invokes wonderful memories
- Good neighbors
- The unkown
- Happy hour
- Digital cameras
- Fresh fruit smoothies
- Freedom
- Good books
- The internet
- Farmers markets
- Waffles with whipped cream & strawberries
- Hugs & kisses
- Crescent moons
- Free stuff
- Aroma candles
- Ability to learn
- Hot tea on a cold day
- Instant communication
- The smell of Christmas trees
- Raw cookie dough – One of my favorite treats on the Things To Be Grateful For list
- Babies tiny fingernails
- Standing on the top of the mountain
- Random acts of kindness
- Ambition
- Forgiveness
- 39. Kind strangers
- Hearing “I Love You”
- Foot rubs
- Uncontrollable laughter
- Pets that love you unconditionally
- Warm rain
- High heel shoes
- Bargain shopping
- Outdoor Patio dining
- Pedicures
- Smell of coffee brewing
- Quiet mornings when no one is awake yet
- Starry nights
- Great meals
- Girls night out
- Being motivated
- Cuddling with a warm pile of laundry
- Shopping online
- Being barefoot on the sand
- Fresh snow
- Making smores at a campfire
- Puffy clouds
- Fresh sheets
- Flushing toilets
- SpellChecker and calculators
- Finding unexpected money in your pockets
- Hot showers
- All my five senses
- Fine paper
- When the trees leaves change colors
- DVRs
- Great pens
- Natural Hot Springs
- Dancing
- Magazines
- Smell of a BBQ
- The perfect pair of jeans
- Parking right up front
- Learning the benefits of living a simple life
- Genuine compliments
- Super hot showers
- Apologies
- Laser hair removal
- The library
- Cookbooks with lots of photos
- Game nights
- A good nights sleep
- Spooning
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Free Samples
- Setting the high score on a video game24-Hour Restaurants
- A Funny Joke
- A Good Glass of Wine
- A Peaceful Lake
- A Pile of Leaves to Jump In
- A Rainy Day Drinking Hot Tea
- Air Fryers
- Amazon Prime
- Animal Sanctuaries
- Art
- Auto Save
- Avocado toast
- Bear Hugs
- Being Loved
- Birds Chirping in the Morning
- Birthdays
- Blogging
- Brownies
- Bucket Lists
- Burnt Orange Sunsets
- Butterflies
- Campfires
- Celebrity Crush
- Cell phone cameras
- Changing Seasons
- Chocolate
- Clean Sheets
- Clean Water
- Coffee Shops
- Comfy Couch
- Cookie Dough
- Crispy French Fries
- Cuddles
- Dark Chocolate Candy Bars
- Date Nights
- Deep conversations
- Diamonds
- Discounts
- Dishwashers
- Diversity
- Dollar Stores
- Drinking Straight From a Coconut
- Drive-thrus
- Eating Dessert First
- Education
- Electric Toothbrushes
- Evening Walks
- Facetime
- Farm-to-table meals
- Financial Savings
- First Experiences
- Fitting Into My Skinny Jeans
- Five Second Rule
- Flat Irons
- Fluffy Down Pillows
- Fluffy White Clouds
- Food Delivery Services
- Food Trucks
- Foot Massages
- Fresh Air
- Freshly squeezed lemonade
- Fuzzy Socks
- Gelato
- Giggles
- Girls/Boys Nights Out
- Givings Gifts
- Good Conversations
- Good Hair Days
- Grandmas & Grandpas
- Great Restaurants
- Hammocks
- Handwritten Letters
- Having Exact Change
- Healthy Food
- Heart Emojis
- Home
- Homemade Pasta
- Hot Chocolate with Baby Marshmallows
- Hummingbirds
- Indoor Plumbing
- Infinity Pools
- Instant noodles
- Journaling
- Knowing How To Cook
- Ladybugs
- Laptops
- Lavender fields
- Lavender Fields in Bloom
- Lazy Sundays
- Learning The Value Of Always Being In Present
- Long Weekends
- Meditating
- Minature Goats
- Modern Healthcare
- Movie Marathons
- Napping in a Hammock
- Naps
- Netflix
- Netflix
- New Experiences
- Noise Canceling Headphones
- Not Having to Set an Alarm
- Old Photographs
- Overcoming fears
- Overnight Shipping
- Owning A Restaurant
- Pasta
- Payday
- Paydays
- Picnics
- Picnics in the Park
- Picturesque Waterfalls
- Pizza
- Pizza!
- Podcasts
- Productive Days
- Progress
- Pumpkin Pie
- Puppies
- Quaint Towns with Cobbled Streets
- Rainbows
- Reading
- Reality Tv
- Receiving Gifts
- Recorded DVR Shows
- Red Wine
- Road Trips
- Roadtrips
- Rocking Chairs
- Seeing Old Friends
- Sincere Apologies
- Sleeping In
- Smoothies
- Snowflakes
- Spotify
- Sugar-Free Mochas
- Summertime
- Sunshine
- Sushi
- Sweet Dreams
- Sweet Surprises
- Tacos
- Technology
- The Farmer’s Market
- The Smell of Fresh Baked Cookies
- Thermal Spas
- Toilet Paper
- Traveling
- Treehouses
- Vineyards Nearby
- Virtual classes
- Wanderlust
- Waterfalls
- Wearing Your Favorite Scent
- Weekend Getaways
- Wifi
- Wildflowers
- Working from home
- Wraparound House Porches
- Your Health
- Your Significant Other
- Zoom

How to Practice Gratitude
Being thankful is not as hard as you may think. Try this: When you notice yourself thinking of something negative, switch it around to what you are grateful for about the situation.
When you are stuck in morning traffic, be grateful for being able to listen to your music for an extra twenty minutes. If your travel partner gets a cold in Malta which botches your dream date night, be thankful for room service. Instead of focusing on how cold it is while walking through the streets of Zurich, be grateful for the warm chestnut stands. If you get lost in San Francisco, missing the opening of the Opera, have gratitude for being able to walk the streets of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
Another tip is to start each morning and end each evening by listing five things you are grateful for. In the beginning it will probably be a struggle to come up with a mere five items for this gratitude list (it was for me!), being wrapped up in a world full of fear and negativity can disguise the good in your life.
Did you just drink a deliciously warm cup of coffee? Or did you connect with a friend by text? Or enjoy a heartwarming movie on television?
Still can’t think of anything to be thankful for? Here are more things to be grateful for ideas.
What are you thankful for today? Hopefully you are now inspired to write a daily list of what you are grateful for and that it will add to your positivity. Being grateful everyday is one of the big reasons that I am able to work through my anxiety and face my fears to travel the world. I hope it does the same for you!