See a Ladyboy Show in Thailand. Alone.

Peter and I traveled to Thailand together, though he had to leave a week earlier than me to tend to our restaurant. Someone had to do it. I am happy it wasn’t me. I stayed in Chiang Mai without any real plan, until I decided that it would be a shame to go all the way to Thailand without seeing one of the beach towns that they were known for. That’s where a spontaneous solo trip to Phuket came into play.

Luckily, Air Asia had last minute flights and my leftover Hilton Honor points would just about cover two nights in Phuket. Sweet. I was admittedly nervous about traveling alone. I had done it dozens of times before, but within the United States, never out of the country.

The “what ifs” invaded my brain and I had to shoo each one away.

My least favorite thing about traveling is landing at your destination and scrambling to find transport to your lodging. I always overly prepare for this. So, I knew that a 40 minute taxi ride was the answer once I landed in Phuket, but the ride still made me skittish. Probably, because the driver did not say a word to me the entire time and I had no idea which direction I should be going and if he was heading the right way.

But, I arrived at the Hilton unscathed. Phew.

The first thing I did upon arrival was head over to the activities desk and book some solo fun; a Ladyboy Show for that evening and a tour of James Bond island and the monkey temple for the next day.

I knew that I wanted to see some sort of show in Phuket and even though the most popular was the Fantasea elephant show, I just didn’t think dancing elephants could possibly compare to the day I had just spent bathing these majestic creatures at the Elephant Nature Park rescue. So, I chose option two, a Ladyboy show.

The Simon Cabaret is an extravaganza of lip syncing, transgendered that really make you wonder.

I sat in the hotel prior to leaving that night wondering what does one wear to a Ladyboy show? I did not bring a pink boa or a sparkly dress, cropped pants and a tank will have to do.

The tour bus picked me up first, which was great as it avoided all the stares of the “girl in Phuket who is going to see a ladyboy show by herself”. We arrived early, so I hit the bar for a glass of red wine. If you have been to Thailand and are a wine fan, you will know that finding a decent glass of wine is like finding a street without a foot massage shop. It just doesn’t happen. Until, now.

Even when I thought the Hilton would be in the know for wine, they served me a glass of red wine vinegar. I swear. To their defense that was their house special. I ordered something else that wasn’t so “special”. But, it still wasn’t nearly as good as tonight’s glass.

The best glass of wine I had in Thailand was at a ladyboy show. Go figure.

Thailand Ladyboy Show

After the happiness of having decent vino, I sat in between a sweet couple, who brought their 5 year old daughter, and a pair of mother/daughter travelers. Not one of them asked me why I was alone.

The show itself was entertaining, yet a cheesey display of lip syncing cover tunes from around the world and dancing.

But, what surprised me were that these girls were HOT. So beautiful that it made you forget about trying to figure out where they tuck it in.

After the show, the entire cast lines the street for photo opportunities. Soliciting tips. And their was no shortage of people who wanted a picture with these feather wearing, women.

I spent so much time taking photos of the pretty girls that I was the absolute last person on the bus. They all glared as I got into my seat. Now everyone knew I’m alone. Oh well.

Is seeing a ladyboy show on your bucket list?

For more Thailand travel ideas: Bucket List of 18 Things to do in Chiang Mai

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17 thoughts on “See a Ladyboy Show in Thailand. Alone.”

  1. I was always completely amazed too at how beautiful ladyboys are – both the ones in shows, and the ones that you just see walking around. They definitely don’t look like men in drag. In most cases, the Adam’s apple is the only give-away.

    • I agree, one of them could pass me on the street and I’d be jealous of how pretty they are. And their amazing figures!

  2. These ladyboys are so pretty! I love that they are considered a third gender in Thailand, getting their own box to check on forms. Such a progressive country!

  3. To see a lady boy show isn’t on my list, but I love the fact that this was a spare of the moment thing. I think us bucket listers sometimes forget to enjoy the random things that happen in our lives that aren’t on our lists.

    • I agree! I find it so much fun to not only complete things on my list, but to also have spontaneous experiences searching for bucket list worthy adventures for my readers :)


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