I literally get hundreds of emails a day, three quarters of which I trash before even opening. In hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have signed up for all those freebie websites and “how to become rich” newsletters.
Most emails fall in to three categories:
1. “I would like to deposit 10.5 million dollars intro your bank account. All I need from you is your social security, bank account and credit card numbers, plus address. I’ll be sure to transfer the funds immediately.” You don’t want my phone number? I’m kind of offended.
2. I think you and I would make a great team, I will send you an amazing FREE leather, theft proof american flag fanny pack in exchange for you writing a 500 word review article on your blog and, you can also share it on all your social media accounts. Lucky me!
3. Find hot dates or buy Viagra really cheap. FYI: I’m married and a girl, erectile dysfunction is not a problem.

The rest are legit; mostly questions from readers, partnership requests and advertising offers. When the one from a publishing house with the subject “Seeking Potential Author – Bucket List” came through I barely flinched. I had received some of these before from people who wanted to turn my blog articles into a book or base a television show off of it.
None had ever worked out.
But, I did my research (AKA: Googled), and this email came from from a bona fide publishing house in New York City, Skyhorse Pusblishing. I began to get nervous and the rapid fire questions of self-doubt happened. Am I talented enough to write a book? Will anyone actually read it? Where will I find the time?
Of course, I emailed back saying I was interested, because writing a book is on my bucket list and I promised myself that fear could not be the reason to keep me from reaching my dreams.

I was asked to write a pitch with a paragraph that described the book which was tentatively titled (the name has changed since), The Bucket List: 10 Incredible Adventures to Set Your Heart on Fire.
This is what I wrote: The Bucket List: 10 Incredible Adventures to Set Your Heart on Fire is more than just a book about checking items off your travel bucket list, it is about every aspect of the experience along the journey; from creating a meaningful list to practical ways to work through the fears to planning your adventure and finally making your goal become a reality. The once-in-a-lifetime experiences span the globe — taking you amongst the wildebeest on an African safari in Tanzania; to the Galapagos Islands to see the Blue Footed Booby mating dance; to hiking an active volcano in Guatemala; to swimming in a lake surrounded by thousands of jellyfish in Palau. Each adventure is not only about the destination itself, but also an encouragement for you to dream bigger, travel deeper, take unexpected opportunities, push your limits and, most importantly, enjoy the journey through the people you meet along the way.
Three weeks went by…and crickets.
Then while lying in bed in my hotel room while on a press trip in Warsaw I checked my email. There was one from the publishing house and the subject title was: We want to offer you an agreement.
I may have jumped up and down on the bed.
Then reality set it. Holy shitballs, I now have to write a book. I signed a contract with Skyhorse Publishing with the anticipation of my book being published before Christmas next year. My deadline is the end of April for 60,000 words. So, if it’s a little quiet around here, I hope you understand.
Also, I would love it if you share what have been some of your favorite adventures of mine. I’m having a hard time narrowing it down to 10!!!
I’m so proud of you & excited for you first book Annette! You are inspiration to many people out there who are too afraid to get out & pursue their dreams.
Thank you Sucheta, that means a lot to me especially coming from someone who is such an inspiration herself :)
So frickin awesome Annette!!!
Thank you Leah!! I’m pretty darn excited…and nervous!
Congratulations Annette! That’s awesome news. We’ll be watching this space and following you to see when the book comes out. Good luck with the writing and remember to have fun with the process! :-)
Thanks! I definitely have to remember to have fun, so far it’s been very stressful!
So very exciting :-) Wishing you the best with the writing, editing, and revising process! Looking forward to having a copy!
Thank you Heather :)
Cheers to you Annette! Thank you for so eloquently and generously sharing your bucket list adventures with us. Can’t wait for the pre-order date!
Thank you so much Lori!!!
Congrats! I recently signed with Skyhorse for a cake decorating book, so that makes us publishing sisters! Good luck with the writing.
Congrats to you too!! I hope your writing process is going more smoothly than mine, I seem to be in an eternal state of writer’s block since I signed!
Whoa whoa whoa! That’s fab! I have been a silent reader of your blog since long but I just had to make a comment today. As many others, I too am really happy for you. Wishing you the very best!
Your kind words mean the world to me!! Thank you Priya :)
Congrats Annette on your first book. I wish you all the best.
Thank You!!
Oh my god !! I understand how excited you really are while publishing your first book. :) Have a great book-publisher life ahead :)
I am super excited, and scared to death at the same time!!
Well done Annette. I have just stumbled on your incredible site today and just want to say this is such an inspirational site. I have always ‘thought’ about my bucket list but after seeing some of the stuff you have done and your insane list, I have decided to really give my bucket list a proper go and actually start ticking off stuff. Good luck with the writing the book, look forward to reading it.
Thanks so much for your kind words! I’m excited to hear that you have decided to really start ticking items off yours. I know that my list has changed my life in so many ways and I hope yours does the same for you.